
Aren’t Real Estate Appraisals & Home Inspections the same thing?

There is a big difference, very big!  A Real Estate Appraiser looks at things that may present health or safety issues such as mold, exposed wires or broken plumbing.  Our reports include only visible issues and surface observations.

While we make sure the is power on, there’s a functional heating system and running water, we don’t test those mechanical systems. We also don’t recommend repairs other than to address any observed health/safety deficiencies.   

Home inspectors and appraisers have very different licensing requirements, some states don’t even require a license for home inspectors! While a Certified Real Estate Appraiser is required to have a 4 year degree, 435 classroom hours in appraisal courses, 2500 hours of internship and pass a state exam.

A Real Estate Appraisal is an in-depth study of a property’s value and considers economic and social trends, as well as governmental controls or regulations and environmental conditions that may influence the elements of value.

Call us for all your Real Estate Appraisal needs 706-633-3709